Friday, 21 October 2016

The level of baseball popularity in Belarus

It`s impossible to find an American, who doesn`t know what baseball is. America is a country where this wonderful game has appeared. It happened in 1860. But at that time it differed from the modern one. It was called “Rounders” –rather primitive game, played on a sandy court.
In Belarus baseball appeared in 1988. The first team was called “Belarusian Bisons”. Currently, baseball players are rather successful. This year the adults' team won the Interleague (the championship between 4 countries: Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania). And young players are ready to the following wins! Despite the age, they are full of ideas and ambitions.
Due to new techniques and calculation elements, baseball game has been developing rather quickly. After scorekeeping and records’ registration was started the prestige of baseball has increased significantly.
Strong boys move round the field and hit baseballs with a bat. For those who want to try out, there are free trainings for 6 -15 year old boys. They are held on the territory of field, where “Minsk” football club plays. Moreover, if the person is older, there`s also a chance to play. If one has good physical ability, he may be accepted to adults' team.  
Despite the beauty and laconism, baseball is rather difficult technically. Very few people are able to learn the rules and playing techniques on the first try.
What is interesting, each technique has a name so as each player has particular role.
Thus, pitcher from the mound pitches a ball to catcher (player, who is sitting behind the batter). His mission is to prevent the last one from hitting the ball. Also there`re defenders, who play in left, right or central field. Those players are called fielders.
Players` main attributes are baseball glove, baseball bat and baseball. It`s curious that the speed of a baseball is about 85 miles/hour. So players should be precise and accurate. If there`s a curve-ball, it`s rather difficult to deflect it, despite the fact that due to rotation the speed is lower.

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